Author name: Dr. Brad Johnson

The Importance of Self-Care: Why It’s Essential for Teachers to Enjoy the Holidays

Happy Holidays to all my educator friends!  Let’s talk turkey as we get ready for some Turkey!  It is the holiday season. You know, that time we’re supposed to kick back and recharge? Unfortunately most treat it like a race, instead of time to stop, drop, and eat a roll. The holidays are supposed to promise a

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The CEO Approach to Setting Boundaries in Teaching

This blog is based upon excerpt from my upcoming book Becoming a More Assertive Teacher Maximizing Strengths, Establishing Boundaries, and Amplifying Your Voice. Teaching is a dynamic and transformative profession that often draws parallels with the multifaceted role of a CEO. Beyond the classroom, educators are entrusted with the task of cultivating an environment where students

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A Teacher's Purpose is Greater than their Struggles

Your Purpose is Greater Than Your Struggles

The past few years have indeed been an arduous journey for educators and administrators alike, a relentless struggle filled with mandates, constant adjustments, political divisiveness, and the relentless ebb and flow of mixed curriculum and instructional delivery methods. It’s been a tumultuous ride, and the list of challenges seems never-ending. Indeed, the chaos and uncertainty

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Building Strong Foundations: Why Prioritizing Relationships in Education Matters

In a world where academic achievement often takes precedence, I hold a firm belief that education is fundamentally relationship-centered. This belief forms the heart of the ‘Relationships before rigor’ quote, I wrote at the start of the pandemic, which underscores the paramount importance of nurturing robust connections with students before delving into the complexities of

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How To Assertively Communicate Your Ideas and Concerns

This article is based on my soon to be released book, Becoming a More Assertive Teacher: Maximizing Strengths, Establishing Boundaries, and Amplifying Your Voice Effective communication is not only about sharing information but also about fostering a healthy learning environment. However, it’s important to note that teachers and administrators often find themselves challenged by assertive

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